Saturday, December 09, 2006

Welcome Woman's Day Readers!

Just a quick post to say "Welcome!" to the Woman's Day readers who've stopped by ... and thanks to Mary Hunt for mentioning me in her "Have Your Best Financial Year Ever!" article.

In addition to the rest of this blog, new readers might also wish to visit my main site at It's Your Money! and take a look around. You'll find lots of money articles, as well as free financial spreadsheets and financial book reviews. Want to know why the heck I have this site? Well, you can also learn a little more about IYM.

If you like what you read, please consider subscribing to my Money Musings blog feed and the It's Your Money feed. Use the buttons on the right-side column to easily add my feed to most popular news-readers.

And thanks for taking a few moments to visit!

— Posted by Michael @ 9:55 AM

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