Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Just Found: Net Worth Workout

Those of you money nuts with extra reading and 'net-cruising time on your hands might wish to check out the following "course" being offered online at Barnes & Noble:

BN.com Book Clubs: Net Worth Workout

I've yet to read Feitelberg's book, but it seems worthy enough to add to my (large) box of Books To Be Read Sometime This Decade. Truly ambitious folks can even find an excerpt at AuthorViews.com.

— Posted by Michael @ 12:50 AM


I just found your web-site. You are doing a great job! I have tried to use Quicken to keep track of our budget but in never seemed to work. Our number's were never the same. Could you tell me how you work your budget on your computer software. How long does it take you each day to fill it in our do you do it weekly?



Debt R Us,

I love Quicken, obviously, but it's awful for budgeting. I use Excel for that; in particular, I use my Spending Plan spreadsheet.

On an average week, I sit down with my spending plan spreadsheet perhaps twice -- once mid-week, and once on weekends. Drop me an email and I'll be happy to talk it over with you . . ..

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