Saturday, April 22, 2006

Treasury Direct: Change Your Primary Source Account

One of the features I love the most about Treasury Direct is the "Purchase Express" setup.

This is a gosh-darn great thing, because once you've set up your linked bank accounts, making purchases of securities like 28-day treasury bills takes all of about 15 seconds.

However, there can be a little "gotcha" to Purchase Express. It's set up to be a quick transaction, so when it comes to determining where the funds for the purchase will come from, Purchase Express automatically uses your "Primary Bank" account. If your current "Primary Bank" account is not where you want the funds to come from, then you'll have to be on your toes. Time to make a few changes.

Here's how to change your Primary Bank account in Treasury Direct so that another account becomes your default funding source for Purchase Express:

1) Log in to Treasury Direct.
2) Click "Manage Direct" in the top horizontal menu.
3) Click "Update my Bank Information" in the Manage My Account section.
4) Click the radio button next to the bank you wish to become your Primary Bank for Purchases and Payments. (If the bank you wish to become your Primary Bank isn't shown, you'll have to add it via the [ADD] function. No big deal.)
5) Once the radio button next to your soon-to-be Primary Bank is selected, click the [EDIT] button.
6) Review your bank's information. If it's all good, place a check in the box for "Make this my primary bank information for purchases and payments."
7) Click the [SUBMIT] button.

There — you've now changed your Primary Bank. Your next Purchase Express transaction will utilize this bank account as necessary.

You're now ready to make some super-quick treasury investments via Purchase Express!

— Posted by Michael @ 12:53 AM

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