Thursday, March 16, 2006

Unloading $300k on a Local Homestead

No, I'm not doing that! Just playing along with a couple of other bloggers!

JLP at All Things Financial and Jim at Blueprint have asked readers: "What kind of house will $300,000 get you in your area?"

Well, it'd get me a LOT more house than what I have now — that's for sure. Staying in my county, I could get the keys to something like this:

$305k Shack

Or this:

$299k Shack

The neat thing is, I couldn't actually afford anything close to those houses. But what does that matter? I bet I could get them financed ... a tad creatively...if I could find the right broker.


— Posted by Michael @ 11:35 AM


Yeah, this was a fun exercise, but we're talking about something that costs three times what my house is worth. And who would want to heat some of these monsters, anyway.


Wow!!! $300k in Seattle would get you a 1970's rambler that is about 1500 square feet.


This is what 300000.00 buys in my home town, Lincoln Park NJ.

Sad, isn't it?


and in boston you'd be lucky to get something the size of the garage...and in derelict condition LOL

very interesting


A quick search at for $300,000 value homes in Denver found a few. Check this one: - there's a 1946 frame 1050 square foot house on the lot, being sold at $300K as a scrape-off for the value of the LOT ONLY.


My place! Seriously, with the housing bubble in this area, the asking price for condo units just like mine is hovering just under $300,000. Crazy.

Oh... Question. When a $60,000 house was the dream house, what was a $60,000 house?


Ai yi yi... I live in Boston. (Fortunately bought my condo 8 years ago.) I checked it out - currently, $300k buys you...deep sigh... a 4th fl walkup condo, 600 sf.

Anonymous Anonymous
, at 3:00 PM, March 21, 2006  
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