Monday, November 10, 2008

Let's Just Give Them ALL The Money

If you're not in the mood to be squarely pissed off, then you'll want to ignore the following post at Naked Capitalism:

Naked Capitalism: AIG: The Looting Continues

After a while, it becomes fairly easy to see how guillotines became such a popular remedy in the Olden Days.

— Posted by Michael @ 9:04 AM


You most definitely do not want to read this , then.


Oh, I know about that, too.

AIG better be glad I'm not the guy who decides the fate of their company.


Enough all ready!!I bought a home I could afford. Keep my cars for 7 or 8 years. Don't play $100.00 golf courses. Eating out is a stop at KFC or Pizza Inn. My mutual funds and IRA shrinking and this is supposed to help me.

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