Wednesday, November 16, 2005

New Freedom Account Spreadsheet on Tap

For those of you who might be Freedom Account devotees, I'm happy to have the opportunity to offer a new spreadsheet to the masses.

I can't give this one away for free, though, as I didn't create it. Plus it's way better than anything I could do.

And I have to admit: The whole idea of selling Excel spreadsheets is a big experiment for me. In the interest of disclosure, I'll inform everyone that the spreadsheet costs $13.95. Of that, $10 goes to the creator, ExcelGeek, and $3.95 goes to IYM.

Anyhow, if you're in the mood for screenshots 'n' stuff, just swing over to:

Product Review: ExcelGeek's Freedom Account Spreadsheet

I should also add that Jesse at has a sweet spreadsheet that accomplishes Freedom Account tasks also ... albeit in a different manner, and with some bigger budgeting features thrown in. (Disclosure: If you buy his $20 spreadsheet via my links, IYM gets $5.)

And no, I don't have any intentions of beginning to charge for the spreadsheets that I already make available for nothing more than the price of a click. They're not nearly pretty enough for me to slap price tags on 'em. :)

— Posted by Michael @ 2:41 PM


My wife and I are trying to get our finances in order. I would like to purchase some personal finance software. I have read reviews on MS Money 2006 and Quicken Deluxe 2006. Seems most people give them negative reviews. Do you have any advice? Thanks

Bye the way my wife directed me to IYM. Awesome place!!!


I am a HUGE Quicken fan. I don't have much experience with Money, but a coworker of mine uses it, and hasn't had any problems.

I'm currently using Quicken Deluxe 2005, and have had zero problems. However, I don't let it download transactions -- I prefer to put them in by hand -- and most of the complaints I've heard have been relating to the downloading-transactions features of Quicken and Money.

If you need to get your finances in better shape, Quicken or Money will help greatly ... provided you use them diligently.


Michael, I think the downloading has made some huge improvements...I *never* have problems there (you can now "rename" downloaded txns with renaming rules etc). It's the bugs that irk me and maybe they're not bugs and I am just using it incorrectly...but I also think there is no other, *better* proggie for windows.

Sadly, it seems the pickings are even slimmer for MacOSX, including ExcelGeek's new spreadsheet. Maybe it's time I try the few options out there and get out of my Virtual Windows hell.


I'm of the persuasion that the less time I spend "managing" my money, the more time I can spend "making" money.

Quicken I haven't used for years - as I was dissatisfied with the budgeting process it had.

MS Money I tried, but I was so appalled by the embeded ads and just the sheer volume of the stuff, I bagged it - and it was free.

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