Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Your Google Searches Answered

One of the neatest things about having your own web site?

Log files.

Log files are daily listings, generated on your site's server, of every visitor who scurries through your site. Log entries are generated every single time a visitor downloads ("hits") a page, graphic, file, or any combination thereof. Compile these entries every 24 hours, and VOILA! you have yourself a log file.

Particularly cool about log files is the fact that I as webmaster can see the referring page from which someone ended up at my site — meaning I can see what pages link to me. If someone came to my site via Google, Yahoo, or some other search engine, I can also what search terms they used to get to me. It can be rather enlightening. And entertaining.

Following are examples of searches that people conducted recently — say, within the last three days — which somehow placed them at my site (either the main site or this blog). As a public service of sorts, I might as well use this opportunity to respond to each search query as best I can. Might save someone else some trouble down the road.

Search:   "help my credit card is 29.24% Chase"

Response:  Well, it might be worthwhile to initiate a balance transfer to another card, in order to get whatever balance you can off of that Chase card, and hopefully onto a lower-rate animal (even if it's only temporarily lower). If your credit is shot, though, this might be a tough task, as all your creditors will be foaming at the mouth and looking to hammer you. Good luck with that.

Search:   "I want to keep my tax refund but my trustee wants it., how do I keep it"

Response:   I'm assuming that by "trustee" you mean the trustee assigned to you by a bankruptcy court. If that's the case, then here's my advice:

Dear Grand Rapids Public Library User,

Yuo = pathetic. Pay what yuo owe.

The Rest of Us.

Search:   "how much should a household spend"

Response:  Well, that's a tough one. Maybe you should ask someone with lots of experience in this arena, like your credit-card company. I hear that the current rule-of-thumb is to tally up all the credit limits on all your cards, add maybe 8 or 10 percent to that, and charge away. At least this way you'll know you're helping keep the Bush Economy afloat.

Search:   "how to achieve wealth"

Response:  Save twenty percent or more of your after-tax pay. Invest wisely. Rinse. Repeat.

If that sounds like too much work, sign up for all the infomercial investment products you can.

Search:   "Why families go broke so easy and spend too much money everyday"

Response:  It's those darn credit-card companies, I tell you. Making their cards so shiny and pretty and with all those great silvery embossed numbers on them and all those fancy multisyllabic words like "platinum" and "preferred" and "advantage" and "dividend." Those guys are just way too smart for the rest of us. What ... curtail your spending? Stop borrowing? That's just crazy talk.

Just accept the fact that it's pointless to resist the siren song of debt, and you'll be way better off.

Until, of course, your bankruptcy trustee tries to garnish your tax refund. Then you'll have to move on to Plan C.

Hope it's a good one.


— Posted by Michael @ 12:50 AM


For the 24% credit card person I would say, if you've had the card for atleast 6 months- call them up and talk to the cancallation dept to get a lower interest rate, that you found another card. Worked for me.



Good advice, Dawn. Thanks for the heads-up.


Little edgy today huh? :)

I liked the answer to the trustee question. Hahaha


Sheesh. There are a few bits of good advice here, but they're almost indiscernible through the biting sarcasm. Who/what ticked you off today?


Okay, so seeing the search about the tax refund / trustee sort of set me off. Honestly, I could go on for a day about that one.

Been hearing a lot of "poor me" debt stories lately, both in the news/media and real life. It was one of those days when I'd give my kingdom to see someone step up and take a bit of responsibility for his situation.

What - can't a guy vent once in a while? :)

Something about sarcasm ... it can be rather therapeutic for me.


You left out the big one: pay yourself first. If you don't save anything, you will have to use credit for "emergencies" (those things you knew were coming but didn't plan for.) Don't get caught up in trying to put all your money towards paying down debt. Build up your savings first. Money gives you options. Paid off credit cards gives you something to charge on.

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